
What is Innovation Station project?

The educational system is not open to changes due to the lack of time and space for teachers to experiment new styles and methods, and to the lack of appropriate response towards the new trends and technologies. Students are taught to learn passively, without managing their own learning process and engaging in it. 

With the Covid-19 pandemic, many schools needed to adapt to digital tools and technologies, while not having proper staff digital education nor support on how to work with these technologies. When this switch to online learning happened, the engagement of students became lower and posed  challenges in the  educational systems, such as the lack of learning-to-learn skills and attitudes including  autonomous learning, critical thinking, problem solving and curiosity. 

As a response to this, Innovation Station aims to create  a support system for both teachers and students to adapt to the digital challenges they are facing through online education and learning. Innovation Station is a KA2 Erasmus+ project in which OBESSU, EuroClio, EGInA, HOU and Impossible Foundation work together to facilitate and prompt the digital competences of  teachers by fiving resources and training materials. On the other hand, to enhance the learning competence of students to increase the autonomy of those while following digital and blended education.

In order to achieve this, the project will develop guidelines for teachers for online education based on a desk research and an exchange seminar between teachers and students, as well as a MOOC on self-paced and self directed learning for students, whose contents will be disseminated through social media. In the last stage of the project, the partnership will develop policy recommendations on how to improve online and blended learning to achieve structural change. 

The project kicked off last April and partners gathered in Brussels in May to lay out the foundations of the project and a common understanding. The Exchange Seminar will take place in Brussels, from the 4th till the 9th of November.