Innovation Station aims to create a support system for teachers and students to adapt to the digital challenges they are facing through online education and learning. In the wake of the Covid 19 pandemic, it has become clear that education systems need to change and adapt to the challenges of digital learning, as well as to apply activating teaching approaches.
Innovation Station is a KA2 Erasmus+ project in which OBESSU, EuroClio, EGInA, HOU and Impossible Foundation are working together to facilitate and prompt the digital competences of teachers by providing resources and training materials. Also the project aims to improve students’ learning competences in order to increase students’ autonomy while following digital and blended education.
One part of the project foresees the development of a guide for teachers on online education. The idea of the guide will be to provide the teachers with tools and methods for encouragement and motivation for self-directed learning, specifically in the context of online learning. The guidelines are currently being developed by the project partners in collaboration and contribution of teachers and will be finalised in June.
In addition, from 5th to 9th July 2023 a staff training will take place in Nocera Umbra, Italy. The training will be part of the Social Hackathon Umbria. This so called #SHU is an event of four days that welcomes participants from all over Europe and has the aim to promote digital and social innovation. #SHU is a 48-hour digital marathon involving students and enthusiasts from all over Europe. The different teams will have to create digital solutions that will help the associations involved to improve their ability to be present on the web, as well as to improve the promotion of their activities.
The staff training of Innovation Station will involve 20 teachers from high schools from Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Greece and possibly other EU countries. The event will give teachers from different subjects the space and opportunity to share ideas, practices and tools in their field, as well as explore the adaptation of the guidelines for teachers to their everyday work. The aim of the training is thus to build the teachers capacities on the content of the guidelines.
On the last day of #SHU the elaborated solutions will be presented and a jury of experts assesses the best project. To support the jury of experts, the participants of the staff training will be part of the social jury (a group of ‘non-experts’, who will visit the various teams and get to know their projects during the last day of the hackathon) and vote on their favorite elaborated digital solution.

Training Course on “Blended Learning: Education of Tomorrow, Today”
The DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) has successfully completed the Training Course (TC) on “Blended Learning: Education of Tomorrow, Today”, as